Stay Happy

Feeling Stressed? 3 Secrets to STOP Stress in its tracks!


  Summer can be a time of great fun, but because our routines are often times disrupted by change in schedule (kids out of school, travel plans, vacations or family visits), it can also be a time of great stress. But if we think about stress as what it really is…fear…then we can find ways […] Read more…

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Why Do My Kids Hate Putting On Sunscreen? And 3 Tips for Protecting Your Skin


So, the sunny weather is here! At least in my part of the world, it is already getting to the high 80’s on a daily basis. And, we are stocking up on sunscreen for the kiddos. In fact, I find myself chasing the kids around with a bright yellow bottle of sunscreen on most days. […] Read more…

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For Moms Who Worry (like me, apparently)


For Christmas, my husband gave me the mug pictured above. Now, let me share with you that I love being a Virgo. In fact, it is one of my favorite things about myself. But, I was a little irritated at the “descriptive wording” that was on my mug. I mean, “Observant Worrier”? Could that be […] Read more…

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