For Moms Who Worry (like me, apparently)


For Christmas, my husband gave me the mug pictured above. Now, let me share with you that I love being a Virgo. In fact, it is one of my favorite things about myself. But, I was a little irritated at the “descriptive wording” that was on my mug. I mean, “Observant Worrier”? Could that be […] Read more…

3 Things You Need to Know to Sleep Better Tonight


Do you ever have trouble sleeping? I know I do. When you have kids and work and stress, it can all add up to one big sleepless night. And I know that I don’t function well on too little sleep. I find that when everything gets quiet and everyone else drifts off to dreamland, I […] Read more…

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Why Can’t I Escape Dirty Dishes? 4 Tips & A Trick for Surviving Life with Clutter in the Kitchen


Wow! So, this is a struggle for me. I’ll admit it. There are times when I just have to give up and go to bed with the sink still full of dishes. Have you been there? Done that? I mean, I don’t like it, but sometimes I’m just too exhausted to get them done. Day […] Read more…

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